Monthly Schedule For A Pregnant Woman

I find it very vital to reproduce this piece following demand by my esteemed readers. It is all about Monthly Du’as roster for safety of child and the mother before and during delivery, and this is the third time we are recycling it. The article:

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) states that a woman from the time of pregnancy to delivery, and from delivery to weaning get the reward of a man who is stationed at the borders to repel the attacks of the infidels; and if if a woman dies during that period, she will get the reward of Shaheed (martyr).
The first school of child according to the Islamic thoughts is Mother, who should try her level best to raise a pious child. Women should note with emphasis, that during pregnancy their actions can effect the life of their child in womb, so they should be very careful with what they do thereon.

This piece outlined sequentially, a recommended time-table for pregnant women from first month to delivery. Allah (SWT) in the Holy Qur’an said, “Ask Me and I will answer (your) prayers…”. Therefore, the following is a scholarly research by Ulamas on possible Duas and recommended food for pregnant women so as to nurture pious and virtuous children. The holy Prophet (SAW) said, “Marry and regenerate (pious) children and I will be happy (and accept you) in the day of judgement”.

The piece was published in this column April 20th, 2007, but I find it essential to reproduce it? because of the request by my readers. The Duas:

•First Month:
Every Thursdays and Fridays, a pregnant woman is enjoined to recite the Sura Yaseen and Saffat and blow their Tommy.
-Take a sweet apple in the morning.
-On Fridays before breakfast, eat fruits, more especially paw-paw, carrots, water melon or pineapple.
-Before sunrise, eat a little cabbage or salad.
-Pray daily prayers in time and put your hands on the tummy while saying the ‘Iqama’.

•Second Month:
-Every Thursays, recite Surah al-Mulk and following Salatin Nabiyyi (SAW) 140 times, while resting the hands on the tummy. The Salawat: “Allahumma swalli alaa Muhammad wa aali Muhammad wa ajilfaraagahum, wa ahlik aduwwahum wa la’ana aada’ahum minal jinni wal-insi, minal awwaleena wal-akhireen. Allahumma jannibnis-shaitan wa jannib as-Shaitan mim maa Razaqtanaa.”
Meaning: O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and his progeny and keep them alive and destroy their enemies and curse their enemies (may they be) in human form or jinn, in the first (generation) or the last. O Allah shield me from Satan from that blessing You bestowed on us.”
-On every Friday in the month, woman should recite Surah Al-Mulk and recite Istigfaar and Salawatin-Nabiyyi (SAW).
-Every Saturdays woman is enjoined to eat meat (not red beef), apples and drink milk.

•Third Month:
Every Thursdays and Fridays, pregnant women are enjoined to recite Sura Al-Imran and recite the Salawaat (mentioned above) 140 times.
-Before every obligatory salat, recite the same salawaat while resting hands on tummy.
-Every Saturday, eat wheat, meat, low fat milk and lick a little honey in the mornings.

•Fourth Month:
-Every Thursdays annd Fridays, Recite Sura Duha.
-Recite Surah Al-Qadr in any one Raka’ats of the obligatory prayers.
-After each prayers, put your hands on your tummy and recite Surah al-Qadr, Al-Kauthar and the Salawaat mentioned above and also recite the following Du’a:
“Rabbana hablanaa min azwaajinaa wa dhurriyatinaa qurrata a’yunin waj’alnaa lil-muttaqeena imaama.”
Meaning: O, our Lord, grant us out of our spouses and our offsprings that which cheers our eyes, and, make us followers of those who safeguard themselves against evil.
Then recite 7 times the following: “Astaghfirullah Rabbi wa a-tuubu ilaihi”
Meaning: I seek forgivness of Allah (SWT), my Lord, Cherisher and unto Him I turn repentant.”
-After each obligatory prayer say the Salawaat (as mentioned in the second month).
-Eat apple, banana or any fresh fruits.

•Fifth Month:
Every Thursdays and Fridays, recite Sura Al-Fathi, Sura Al-Nasr, in any of the obligatory prayers.
-In the mornings, eat apple or any fresh fruits and after meals, dates are recommended.
-If possible while saying Iqamas or Adhan, your hands should be rested on the tummy.

•Sixth Month:
Sura Al-Waqi’a is recommended to be recited every Thursdays or Fridays.
-In Maghrib and Isha’ prayers, recite Sura -Watteen in any one Raka’at therein.
-After each prayers, recite this Du’a in your hands and rub your tummy:
“Rabbana hablanaa min azwaajinaa wa dhurriyatinaa qurrata a’yunin waj’alnaa lil-muttaqeena imaama.”
Meaning: O, our Lord, grant us out of our spouses and our offsprings that which cheers our eyes, and, make us followers of those who safeguard themselves against evil.
Then? recite 7 times the following: “Astaghfirullah Rabbi wa a-tuubu ilaihi”
Meaning: I seek forgivness of Allah (SWT), my Lord, Cherisher and unto Him I turn repentant.”
-Eat some olive in breakfast and a little fat as possible.

•Seventh Month:
Every Mondays of the seventh month of pregnancy, a woman is enjoined to constantly recite Sura An-Nahl.
-Every Thursdays and Fridays, recite Sura Yaseen and Surah al-Mulk. Also, recite Sura al-Qadr and Sura al-Ikhlas in the daily prayers.

•Eight Month:
After every Fajr prayer, woman is advised to recite Sura al-Qadr 10 times and should not go back to bed till sun rise.
-Every Sundays, recite Sura -Watteen (at least once)
-Every Mondays, recite Sura Yaseen once.
-Every Tuesdays, receite Sura Furqaan
-Every Wednesdays, recite Sura Duha
-Every Thursdays, recite Sura Muhammad
-Every Fridays, recite Sura Saffat
After every meal, a pregnant woman is advised to lick little honey. It is also advisable to constantly consume fruits like paw-paw alongside breakfast at least twice a week. Bitter lemon are also recommended (unless otherwise advised by a physician), most especially on Saturdays.

•Ninth Month:
During the ninth month, pregnant women are advised to stop consuming hot spices, and should eat dates occasionally.
-In every Zuhr or Asr prayers, women are enjoined to recite Sura Al-Asr and Zariyat.
-Every Fridays, recite Sura Al-Fatir
-Go for short walk everyday, most especially in the mornings.

NB: Some Important points to note
(a)?? ?If you want a brave and strong child, drink milk during pregnancy
(b)?? ?If you want well behaved and good looking (beautiful) child, eat water melon.
(c)?? ?If you want to have a child who has great contentment, occasionally after Subhi Prayers, put your hands on the tummy and recite Surah Al-Asr 103 times. ?
(d)?? ?If you want your child to be God-fearing, try as much as you can to remain in state of ablution (Wudhu) all the times.
(e)?? ?Avoid starring at your mirror in the night and also try your best not to commit any sin to avoid having children with nasty behaviours.
(f)?? ?Eating vegetables and dairy products will help to develop beautiful skin of your unborn child.