Nigeria’s Population To Add 200m In 40 Years

Nigeria is one of the few countries that will produce the largest population increases in the world in the next 40 years according to the United Nations obtained by LEADERSHIP yesterday.

A recent report from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, DESA, ahead of next month’s Rio+20 summit, disclosed that it is from Africa and Asia that 86 per cent of all growth in the world’s urban population over the next four decades would come from.

But in that report, the United Nations also expressed concern that “this unprecedented increase will pose new challenges in terms of jobs, housing and infrastructure,” for such nations like Nigeria.

?According to the report, “the largest increases in urban population are expected in the following countries: India, China, Nigeria, the United States and Indonesia. Over the next four decades, India will add another 497 million to its urban population, China – 341 million, Nigeria – 200 million, the US – 103 million, and Indonesia – 92 million.”