New York, Others Write Obama To Break Off From America

The entire United States of America may be heading towards breaking up into different nations if the report at the disposal of LEADERSHIP is anything to go by.
According to reports published on the official website of the White House, this disintegration process has been commenced by New York and well over twenty States in the United States.
Those States that filed petitions are asking the White House that they should be allowed to convectionally withdraw from the union of the United States and create their own new governmen
The States of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, and Louisiana. Others are Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Texas were those ones that have filed the petition to break away from the United States.

The petition sent to the White House by the States involved reads: “Peacefully grant the State of Nebraska to withdraw from the United States and create its own new government”
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government”


“Allow Alaskans a free and open election to decide whether or not Alaska should Secede from the United States.There is a commonly held belief across Alaska, that the US Constitution has been set aside, and other then ourselves, there are no protections to the liberty and freedoms we are to have as our continued inheritance since the formation of the Union of the “several States”. The petition from the State of Alaska reads.
“Our main “goal” is a legal vote and ballot; one that was not given in 1958 and was in violation of International Law and Treaty. Alaskans were robbed of the choices we were to have as a non-self-governing territory, and steam-rolled into the current classification of a State. The Native population of Alaska, in a large percentage, did not even receive a ballot because of the Federal Voting Rights Act in place. Alaskans now seek to a statewide free election to decide whether Alaska should be a free and Independent Nation” Alaska's petition concludes.


In its own petition, Wyoming stated that: “We the people of the great state of Wyoming, do see that in today's world the Federal Government has not led our citizens justly and with honor. We therefore as free men and women of our great state do believe that it is time to take matter upon ourselves to ensure our continued freedom, and to enact our own laws and here buy govern ourselves without the federal government's involvement in our internal matters from this day forward”

The State of Ohio in its petition is calling on the United States government to allow for the peaceful withdrawal of the from the United States of America such that it becomes its own free nation.

“It would be a crime against the people of any state to hold them, against their will, in a Union that they desire to leave.?Ohio can stand on its own as a free and independent nation, separate from the United States of America, while remaining on friendly terms with the United States of America.?Ohio's right to leave the Union should be recognized and it should be allowed to peacefully withdraw from the USA” the petiton further reads.

Meanwhile, 291 signatures have been received out of the 25,000 signatures required by December 12, 2012, for the State of Nebraska to have its way to break from the United States and form its own government.
The State of Utah has got the total of 3, 027 signatures on its petition out of the required 25,000, California has got 4, 373 signatures, New York has got 3, 182 signatures, Nevada 5, 141 signatures, ?Pennsylvania 909 signatures, Alaska 1, 544 signatures, Kansas 1, 511 signatures, Oklahoma 2,343, Wyoming 3, 044, Ohio 4, 081 signatures, Delaware 3, 845 signatures, Arizona 10, 046 signatures, South Carolina 13, 473 signatures, Gerogia 17, 207 signatures, Missouri 10, 964 signatures.
Details of the total signatures got from other States to be sent later.