Noodles, Staple Meal

Noodles are generally easy and quick to prepare. These staple diets in many families are derived from maize, rice, flour among others.??

They are dried or precooked and are often sold with packets of flavoring including seasoning oil.? Dried noodles are usually eaten after being cooked or soaked in boiled water for 5 to 10 minutes while precooked noodles can be reheated or eaten straight from the packet.

Thought Recent research has shown that? instant noodles are high in carbohydrates and fat, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals, this can be offset by the addition of fresh chopped vegetables like green beans, carrot, tomato, onions and meat or fish to the finished noodle to make a more complete dish.

Noodle Recipe
There are many ways of preparing noodles like the Indomie noodle.? Different people chose to go for the methods that they best enjoy but one of the most generally accepted methods is considered here.
70g Noodles
50g tomatoes
? large onion, shopped
seasoning (in the packet)
? tablespoon fresh grinded pepper
50g carrot
50g green beans
1 egg or meat/fish
1 table spoon groundnut oil
Put your pot on the fire with 1 cup of water. Add noodle, seasoning, and then the chop the fresh tomatoes, onions, green beans and carrot. Add oil and allow to heat for about 5 to 10 minutes. Boil the egg separately, if using meat or fish, boil separately also before adding to the meal.? The meal is ready.