Cheapest Way To Good Health

Every fruit has special properties it can contribute to help the body function well. WINIFRED OGBEBO reports.

A growing body of research shows that fruits and vegetables are critical to promoting good health.
?For centuries, the benefits of eating fruits on a regular basis have been known.? Many antique medical books and journals attest to the fact that fruit and fruit juices were recommended for different medical problems long before science advanced far enough to tell us exactly what was in a fruits chemical makeup to make it so beneficial. All our ancestors knew was that fruit not only tasted good, but was good for their bodies, and that was enough for them.


That a human being can live healthily on fruit alone has been proven by the fruitarians, they only consume fruit.
?Stories are told of how centuries ago, sailors aboard ships kept coming down with a debilitating disease called scurvy. At times the whole crew had it which made for a disastrous voyage with no one to run the ship and many lives were lost. What they didn’t know was that scurvy was a disease caused only by a vitamin C deficiency.


This problem was easily solved one day when someone discovered that sailors who had citrus fruits in their diet, very seldom came down with scurvy. Vitamins were not discovered until around 1920, so the sailors didn’t know why citrus fruits prevented the disease, they only knew it did. By the way, an interesting side note to this story is that this is the reason British sailors became known as limeys. They were issued limes as part of their daily food regiment to prevent scurvy, and many of them were seen at times sucking on limes. So you see, fruit health benefits were known long before the modern day health revolution came along.


They just didn’t have the science to know why it was so healthy.
Today, things have changed. Thanks to the world of modern technology, we can find out exactly what vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are in every piece of fruit we eat. With this knowledge we can pick and choose the fruit, fruit juice or fruit concentrate that may be best for a particular health problem we are having at the time.
Fruits and the substances found in them have been known to cure or at least help relieve a number of serious diseases. In most cases, though it can lessen its effects, fruit cannot cure a disease such as cancer, heart trouble or high blood pressure. However, it has been found if you will consume a sufficient amount of healthy fruit daily, it can greatly lessen the chances of you contacting these diseases.


?According to a health specialist, Dr Ejiro Edewor, two of the reasons fruit can prevent so many health problems is because they have such high fiber content and almost all of them have very few calories.
She said, “When individuals replace their high calorie, high fat, high cholesterol food with fruit, many of their health problems go away. Of course another plus here is if you will consume fruit in place of some of the things you know are bad for your body, you will start losing weight. Obesity is one of the main causes of very many serious diseases and health problems. So, by eating fruit instead of junk food, you not only get the fruit health benefits, you start shedding some of those extra, unhealthy pounds”.


?She explained further: “Sometimes it is hard to eat a good supply of fruit every day. You are on the run or busy and just don’t take the time to do it. Well, this is no excuse. All it takes is a little forethought and planning and this problem is solved. Here are a few things you may want to think about doing.”
To get the amount that’s recommended, most people need to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables they currently eat every day.
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Fruits and Vegetables Can Protect Your Health in so many ways, vis-à-vis:
Fruits and vegetables contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that may help protect you from chronic diseases. Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers.


Including fruits in your diet is one sure way to a healthier body. A daily intake of these delicious foods can be of great benefit to your body in various ways. If you are beginning to eat a healthier diet to help you lose weight, or just as a way to become more energetic, a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is a great way to start. As you begin to eat more fruit, you will begin to realise how much better you will feel.


It is common knowledge that you need to drink lots of water. Like most people, you probably do not get the recommended six to eight daily glasses of water. But you probably didn’t know that fruit contains 80per cent water. So it would make sense that adding fruit to your diet would increase your overall water intake. No other food on this planet exists that has that much amount of water.
Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea or abdominal cramping, can be alleviated by eating fruit. Fruits that contain natural fiber can also help regulate bowel movements. Fruits have also been proven effective when it comes to lowering cholesterol levels. This can help you prevent strokes and heart disease.


Fruit is 100 per cent bad-cholesterol free. No doubt about this argument. Too much bad-cholesterol is not good for our bodies and fruit doesn’t contain bad-cholesterol. Animal products like meat and dairy contain a lot of bad-cholesterol.
There have even been studies that say fruits can stimulate your memory. People who consume fruits on daily basis can retain more information and even recall it quicker than those who don’t partake in eating fruits. There have also been studies that say people who drink fruit juices or eat fruit regularly can lower their risk of contracting Alzheimer’s disease by an incredible 76per cent.

You might even find it more attractive to include fruits in your diet because of its relatively inexpensive price tag. Some people don’t know this and they think that they can’t afford fresh fruit because it might be too expensive. But consider the price you already pay for a pack of potato chips or take out meals. You should make it a habit to substitute those unhealthy snacks and replace them with fruit, then you will definitely notice a gap in your food bill. It might even be less! Although the real benefit that you get when replacing those unhealthy snacks with a serving of fruits is a healthier body. And there is no possible price tag for your health.
Fruit makes you feel better. Several stories have told us about people that were frequently depressed and how they got out of their depression slowly but surely, after consuming substantial amounts of fresh fruit on a regular basis. Eating much fruit can have a mysterious healing effect on human beings. Even better is to drink a lot of freshly squeezed fruit drinks on a regular basis. It will take approximately 30 days until you start to notice the effects. Don’t forget to drink these smoothies 20 minutes before the consumption of other meals. This way the fruit will not ferment in the stomach and the nutritious elements can be absorbed by the blood effectively.

Ethical reasons to eat fruit


Fruit doesn’t have to be killed and slaughtered before you can eat it. The fruits are just hanging there waiting to be picked by you!
This ethical argument (often used by vegetarians and vegans to not eat meat) claims that fruit is a non-animal food. Many people see animals, especially mammals, as living creatures just like humans. There are religions that say that animals have souls like us. The native Americans first asked the animal’s spirit if they could kill it before they did so. Fruit has never been said to have a soul and thus can be eaten without causing any harm. Ethical or religious arguments aside, we think it’s a shame that we as human beings don’t eat much fruit when there is such an abundant assortment of fruits and vegetables available.


One great tip to help you to eat more fruit is to keep fruit out in a place where you can see it, like in the front of the refrigerator or out on the kitchen counter. By doing this, you will be more likely to eat it than if it is kept out of sight.
We must keep in mind that fruits are the most natural foods on this planet. They are almost the only kinds of food that grow on a tree or a bush that you can eat without any preparation or cooking. Your body has a craving for all natural foods. Fruit is how food is supposed to be.


So if you think fruit isn’t an important factor for your health, then you should reconsider. Fruits can improve your memory, prevent disease, and they can provide your body with necessary water. There are tons of benefits that come from this food easily obtainable and most importantly all natural. So do yourself a favor and begin eating more fruit. You will love feeling and looking better.