The Secret Of Longevity In Lettuce

Lettuce is one of the most delicate salad plants that are grown as leafy vegetable. There are basically six different types of lettuce, namely Butterhead (Boston or Bibb), Chinese lettuce, Crisphead (Iceberg), Looseleaf, Romaine (Cos) and Summer Crisp (Batavian). All of them are used for the purpose of preparing salads.

It comes in many colours like green, white, purple, but the most commonly used is the greenish specie. Usually, lettuce leaves are slightly bitter; however they might be specifically bred in a way that helps rid them of the bitterness. It can be eaten raw and used in a number of dishes like vegetable salads, hamburgers, among others.

Health benefits of lettuce
According to, lettuce juice, when mixed with rose oil and applied to the forehead, can help ease headache.

It reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and cataracts due to the presence of beta-carotene, the chief disease-fighting nutrient in the salad.

It is highly recommendable for weight loss.

Lettuce is rich in folic acid, that helps prevent neural-tube birth defects in early stages of pregnancy.

Constant intake of lettuce heals nervous insomnia, as it contains sleep-inducing substance.

It aids in the prevention of spina bifida, anemia and liver disease.

Lettuce is highly recommended for men suffering from premature ejaculation.

A mixture of lettuce juice and spinach juice helps restore damaged hair.

The magnesium content in lettuce makes it rich in reviving powers, in relation to muscular tissues, brain and the nerves.

Lettuce is helpful in the treatment of acid indigestion, anemia, arthritis, catarrh, circulatory problems and colitis.