Elections 2011 – Time to register to vote

It’s time for the R in Register, Select, Vote, Protect and we hope that all those in Nigeria will register during the upcoming registration period.

Registration for the 2011 elections will run from January 15th to 29th, 2011.


To be eligible to register/vote, you must be:

  • A citizen of Nigeria
  • 18 years or above on or before registration day
  • Must be ordinarily resident in, work in or originate from the Local Government Area or Registration Area or ward covered by the Registration center
  • Not subject to any legal incapacity to vote under any law, rules and Regulations in force in Nigeria
  • Must present yourself to the Registration officers for registration as a voter and be able to provide proof of identity, age and nationality if requested.

Center Locations

The best way to locate the nearest available center is through the Save Nigeria Group (SNG) website. SNG has a comprehensive online database of centers in all 36 states of the Federation. To locate the most convenient center click here.

Registration  hours at centers are from 8:00am to  5:00pm daily including Saturdays and Sundays as well as public holidays.

Note that you can only register once at a designated registration center where you either reside, work in gainful employment or originate from.


When you arrive the registration center, registration officials will need to verify that you have not previously registered by examining your left thumb.

If you are cleared, you will need to give them the following information: Name (First, middle & last name), Date of birth, Gender, Occupation and Address.

A finger print scan of both your hands will be taken via a Direct Data Capture (DDC) machine. A photo of you will also be taken.

Afterwards,  a temporary voters’ card will be printed and issued to you

Your name and particulars will be written on Form EC 1A

Your right thumb print will also be made on Form EC.

Finally, indelible ink will be applied on your left thumb, after which you can leave

Registration offences

Registration offences will attract fines ranging from N100,000 to N500,000. For the full list of registration offences and their respective fines, click here to access the information via Enough is Enough Nigeria.

FYI – Mark your calendars

Here is the full electoral timetable for 2011

1. Issuance of Notice of election 23rdNovember, 2010 Section 30 (1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides not later than 90 days before the election.
2. Conduct of  Party primaries Commence 26thNovember 2010  End  15thJanuary, 2011 To enable Political Parties democratically nominate candidates for the elections as required by Section 87 of the Electoral Act, 2010
3. Campaign by Political Parties in public Commences on 1st December, 2010 Section 99(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides 90 days before polling day.
4. Collection of Form CF001  (Affidavit/Personal Particulars of candidates) and Form CF002 (Party’s list of candidates) for all elections. 15th – 22ndDecember 2010
5. Registration of Voters 15th – 29th January, 2011 Pursuant to Section 9(5) of the Electoral Act, 2010
6. Display of Register of Voters for claims and objections. 3rdFebruary, 2011 –8thFebruary, 2011 Pursuant to Section 19(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010
7. Last day for submission of Forms CF001 and CF002 at the National Headquarters of the Commission for all Elections. 31st January, 2011 Section 31(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides for not later than 60 days before the election.
8. Publication of Personal Particulars of candidates. (CF001) for all Elections. 6th February, 2011 Section 31(3) of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides for publication within 7 days of the receipt of the form CF001
9. Collection of Nomination forms 7th  – 10th February, 2011
10. Last day for withdrawal by candidate(s)/replacement of withdrawn candidate(s) by Political Parties for all Elections. 14thFebruary, 2011 Section 35(1) of Electoral Act, 2010 provides not later than 45 days to the election.
11. Publication of Personal Particulars (CF001) of substitute candidate(s) for all Elections. 21stFebruary, 2011 Section 32(3) of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides for publication within 7 days of the receipt of the form CF001
12. Last day for the submission of Nomination forms by Political Partiesfor all Elections. 21stFebruary, 2011
13. Publication of official Register of voters for the elections. 2nd March, 2011 Section 20 of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides not later than 30 days before the election.
14. Publication of list of nominated candidates.for all Elections 2nd March, 2011 to16thMarch, 2011 Section 34 of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides at least 30 days before the day of election.
Publication of Notice of Poll for:for all Elections 18th March, 2011 Section 46 of the Electoral Act, 2010 provides not later than 14 days before the election.
Submission of names of Party Agents for all Elections to the Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECS.) 25th March, 2011 Section 45 of the Electoral Act, 2010. Provides not later than 7 days before the election.
Last day/time for campaigns:a. National Assembly Elections

b. Presidential Election

c. Governorship/State Assembly Elections

1st April, 2018th April, 2011

15th April, 2011

Section 99(1) of the Electoral Act, 2010 prohibits Advertisements or broadcasts of campaigns 24 hours prior to the day of election.
Date of election:National Assembly Elections

Presidential Election

Governorship/State Assembly Elections

Information courtesy of INEC, Save Nigeria Group, EnoughisEnough

2nd April, 20119th April, 2011

16th  April, 2011

Section 25 of the Electoral Act, 2010, dates of elections to be appointed by the Commission.


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