‘Fish Out Culprits Of Violence For Prosecution ‘

Generally speaking, the basic cause of the violence in nearly all the communities concerned is political. Ethno-religious sentiments were brought into the issue through negative campaigns and rumour mongering by unscrupulous individuals to achieve their ulterior motives.

Similarly, the zoning controversy, which started basically as an internal political affairs of the ruling party, ultimately changed the nature of the presidential election into ethno-religious contest in the country particularly in the northern states.

Provocative utterances by many individuals and the widespread charge by prominent politicians including the CPC presidential candidates to the electorate ‘to guard their votes’ appeared to have been misconstrued by many voters to include recourse to violence which they did.

However, a long interactive session was held been the CPC presidential candidate and five member delegation of the panel, led by the chairman, in the office of the CPC presidential candidate in Kaduna on 14th September 2011. It was discovered that he himself was a victim of the violence and of the destruction of his property, the photographs of which were given to the said delegation.

For all the causes identified by the panel, the declining spirit of God consciousness and of accountability before God, very low moral standard as well as social indiscipline in the Nigerian society are all considered to be the major facilitating factors.

Although in the opening clause of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria we resolved firmly and solemnly “to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign nation under God”, we failed to make any effective and all -embracing provision for the same nation to be God-fearing or conscious of accountability before God.

And so, the panel recommended that basic education curriculum in Nigeria should henceforth contain–as a compulsory learning material for all the students–the moral values of God fearing and of accountability before God which are derived from the Islamic and Christian teachings as well as civic and cultural orientation in line with section 23 of the Nigeria Constitution.

With regard to weapons used, they are largely knives, axes, cutlasses, clubs and similar objects in the northern states. However, in Akwa? Ibom there was a tide of illegal flow of sophisticated weapons into the state, which were used in the violence.

Thus we recommend strict enforcement of all the laws and regulations concerning use and trafficking of illegal arms while negligence on the part of the security agencies should be severely sanctioned to act as a deterrent. Further recommendations on the issue of arms controlare contained in Chapter 5 (Volume 2) of the Main Report.

Considering that panel is not a judicial commission of inquiry, we avoided going beyond our jurisdiction to indict any individual or group of individuals. However, we presented the critical cases together with the supporting DVDs and relevant documents in a manner that security agencies could follow up to reveal more facts about the cases concerned and take appropriate actions.

The Panel also considered many other matters incidental to the unrest and gave recommendations which constitute Chapter Six in Volume 2 of the main report. Thus, the government should review the roles of the National Orientation Agency and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for more effectve public elightemnent , politically, socially and economically.

We also considered the need to localise responsibility for purposes of preventive retribution . Thus, it is recommended that government should follow the example of Adamawa State which has made law to deduct for loss of life or damage to property from the fund allocation of the local government area where communal violence may occur in the future.

In conclusion, we are confident like many members of the electorate that your Excellency together with your vice- president can bring about the desired change for a renascent Nigeria during your tenure of office.

In that respect, we recommend Your Excellency to consider some of the recommendations contained in the Vision 2010 report. It is also essential to take effective measures whereby Nigerians of high integrity and moral probity in every state would be identified for assignment of major responsibilities towards implementation of positive change in every respect.

To allay fears of the recent undemocratic process of impeachment by selfish politicians that might emerge while the president is taking steps for positive changes in the society, we also recommend the constitution be amended in such a way that impeachable offences in the constitution should be subject to judicial interpretation and the final verdict of impeachment should be given through referendum by the same electorate who voted for the president of their choice.

Finally, we thank your Excellency together with the vice- president again for giving us the opportunity to serve the Nigerian nation to the best of our ability.

The former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Alhaji Mahmud Ahmed Yayale, also deserves our gratitude for his great encouragement and full co-operation which enabled the panel to take off successfully with the assignment. Similarly, we are grateful to the present Secretary to the Government of the Federation for his positive roles in many ways. We also appreciate the full cooperation and great hospitality of all governors of the 14 states concerned.

The security agencies at the national and state levels played crucial roles for which we cannot thank them enough. We very much appreciate the former Heads of States, His Lordship the Chief Justice of Nigeria, the Senate President as well as the Speaker of the House of Representatives, traditional rulers and other stakeholders for their candid views and recommendations.

Similarly, we commend the pioneer secretary, Mr. F.F. Ogunsakin, in particular, and all the other secretariat staff, in general, for their hard work throughout the period of our assignment. May God reward all of you, guide Mr. president together with his government and continue to bless Nigeria.

Being report of the presidential committee on post election violence headed by Dr. Sheik Lemu, submitted to President Goodluck Jonathan at the presidential villa, Abuja, Monday, October 10, 2011